Aura Soma

Aura Soma is a non-intrusive and self-selective discipline that affects the body and soul through essences containing the energies of light, colour, plants and crystals.

Aura soma is a healing method that acts on three areas: body, mind, emotions and spirit and it uses the vibrations of three energy sources:
light and colour, crystals and plant

This discipline combines the healing energy characteristics of chromotherapy, naturopathy and crystal therapy, to cleanse, harmonize and balance the aura and to help emotions, mind, body and spirit.

It is based on the concept that ‘each one is the colour he chooses’ and through the language of colours one can have knowledge of oneself, learn to accept the negative and positive parts, face one’s inner growth with greater balance.

The purpose of the discipline is to help increase self-awareness and lead to spiritual awakening.

Specifically, the EQUILIBRIUM, two-coloured bottles, perfectly divided in half, are used. The upper part contains essential oils and the energies of the crystals, while the lower part is made up of plant extracts, buds, crystals and water that comes from the sacred site of Chalice Well in Glastonbury in England.

Each Equilibrium has a name and a number complementing the effects of the other ingredients.

During a consultation, you are asked to choose four bottles in a non-rational way, letting yourself be carried away by instinct, letting your soul, through the colours, release the vibrations it needs to harmonize and regain balance.

The consultant has the ability to interpret the choice of colours and help you give insight into the choice of bottles and the sequence.

Consultants play a very important role in the system. Becoming an Aura Soma certified consultant means learning to interpret and facilitate the understanding of the sequence of the chosen colours. Having an adequate preparation, the consultant is able to recognize the entire spectrum of what is revealed by the choice of colours and to focus and select the issues that most need attention.

Finally, the consultant provides energy support, vital for the integration of the revelation.

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