
Definition – What does Pranayama mean?

Pranayama is a system of techniques used to harness and manipulate universal energy known as prana. It is an integral aspect of yoga, often incorporated into asana practice or used as a preliminary step for meditation.

The term is derived from several Sanskrit roots; prana meaning “vital life force,” yama meaning “control” and ayama meaning “extension” or “expansion.” The breath is symbolic of prana, and pranayama can be understood as methods to extend and expand vital life force energy through the deliberate control of respiration.

P r a n a y a m a – Extending Lifeforce

Pranayama appears in many of the earliest Indian scriptures, in which a huge range of purposes are detailed. The practice may be used for purification, achieving liberation, focussing the mind, steadying the body or as an adjunct to other techniques such as mantra chanting and meditation.

Pranayama also features as the fourth limb of Patanjali’s ashtanga system, the prominent eight-limbed path of yoga. According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, pranayama is a preparatory practice, required prior to the more advanced techniques of pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration) and dhyana (meditation), leading to the ultimate stage of samadhi (enlightenment).

Source: Yogapedia

These ancient practices have been revisited by many in recent years and the importance of this subject has been published in various new works.
New views are emerging, techniques are evolving and the variety of possibilities is increasing.

As Swami Sivananda once said, “An ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory”. And that’s why I think it’s most valuable to have your own experience and find out in practice what works best for you.

I will be happy to show you how to build a suitable practice from scratch or if you already have experience, I will be happy to practice with you and go deeper.

My own practice is based on the teachings of the Sivanda and Kuvalayanada traditions, mixed with new techniques from various trainings. A special thanks goes to Stephen Thomas, with whom I was able to gain deep insights during the development and implementation of his own Pranayama TT.

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Dizzle’s Morning Practice January 2023